Speech Is a Priviledge to Kamala Harris
Darrell Castle continues to discuss how important free speech is to the American view of freedom with an emphasis on how Vice President Harris views our right to speak freely as revealed by her own words.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 6th day of September in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be continuing my discussion of free speech and how important it is to the American view of freedom with an emphasis on how Vice President Harris views our right to speak freely as revealed by her own words.
It seems that to Ms. Harris, as a faithful authoritarian, speech is something that has to be regulated and controlled by the federal government which she hopes to lead someday soon. I wonder if she has ever stopped to consider that when the government claims the authority to regulate speech it is no longer free. It seems that despite all the “joy” attached to her campaign by the media she is the same person she has always been.
Most of her free speech attacks came long before the January 6th controversy which has been the Democrats lynchpin for why Donald Trump should not be allowed to speak freely. She was advocating that his speech be censored on social media back in 2019. Referring to social media sites, she said that there has to be a responsibility placed on them to understand their power.
“They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation and that has to stop.” She went on, “There has to be a responsibility placed on these social media sites to understand their power.” Translation, if they don’t police content to conform to government approved narratives, they will be shut down. I am certainly no social media expert, but I know that these sites don’t speak to millions, the users speak to each other and she wants that controlled by people like her.
That statement and her attitude should send a chill down the spine of any American voter and should disqualify her from receiving a single vote for the office of President of the United States but unfortunately very few understand the Constitution anymore and even fewer still understand that it is the safeguard of American liberty.
She is concerned that Facebook and Twitter, now X, have different operating standards. She said they can’t both have separate rules despite the fact that they are private companies. What she is talking about with the comparison is that since Elon Musk acquired Twitter it has started allowing its users to speak freely and is resisting efforts by the federal government and people like her to control and regulate what people say on the site.
Last week I talked about Facebook and its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, and how he admitted in a letter to congress that Facebook cooperated with the government in censoring the speech of the American people. He admitted to restricting the information people were allowed to see about COVID and allowing only the government’s version of information to be available. Facebook also suppressed truthful information about the Hunter Biden laptop story and led people to think that it was not truthful or real thus depriving voters of vital information.
So, before Zuckerberg’s letter, she expressed dismay that Twitter is freedom while Facebook bends its knees to the government or Democrat Party line. They can’t have separate rules she said, but just think of the implications of that reasoning. She wants the federal government to be able to legally control the world’s largest flow of information so that only government approved speech is allowed. I can’t understand how anyone could listen to that and not conclude that she is disqualified from the office she seeks. I will give her the courtesy of assuming that she herself is smart enough to understand the implications of what she said but maybe she isn’t.
Let me ask you this folks,
The Feds Admit They Censor Americans
Darrell Castle talks about a letter written to the House Judiciary Committee in which Facebook CEO Mark Zuckergerg admitted to Congress and the American people that under pressure from the Biden/Harris Administration, his social media platform censored American content related to COVID and Hunter Biden's laptop during the 2020 election.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 30th day of August in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about a letter written to the House Judiciary Committee in which Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted to Congress and the American people that under pressure from the Biden/Harris Administration, he censored them. He admitted to a censorship campaign that targeted content related to COVID and Hunter Biden’s laptop during the 2020 election.
Yes folks, in addition to donating hundreds of millions to the Biden/Harris campaign, Zuckerberg admitted to depriving Americans of real information and feeding them false information that was designed to affect their health, possibly fatally. That wasn’t enough for Zuckerberg and Biden, they also had to cheat, lie, and steal an election all the while telling us that trump is Hitler and a threat to democracy. If you don’t lie down while we steal this election through subterfuge we will tell the rest of America that being a MAGA Republican is akin to being a NAZI.
In a government the size of America the typical voter is hopelessly torn to bits by the flood of information that is constantly fed to him and her. Who is to know what is worthwhile and what is not so one is just blown along by the winds of relentless propaganda fed to him by his own government through its various ministries of propaganda like Zuckerberg and Facebook. The voter hasn’t met any of these people and he doesn’t even know anyone like them. He normally doesn’t associate with power obsessed people but nevertheless they are out there looking to deceive him in order to gain and keep power at any cost.
The elite media seek to wash the voters’ minds collectively and individually clean each day. They control the government and they tell him they have a higher moral purpose that involves a better use of his money than he could ever make. They have to save the planet from climate change and from all those evil Russians. They have to stimulate the economy so their fake numbers will be even more fake and they must feed all those poor and sick. Their fake claims are just ways to distribute more and more of the fruits of the labor of hard-working Americans to powerful insiders. The higher purpose is nothing but an illusion and a swindle.
So, Mr. Zuckerberg formally admitted to Congress that he allowed himself and his company to be a part of this swindle of the American people. Facebook, he said, implemented a vast digital censorship regime on behalf of the federal government to suppress the speech of American citizens. Freedom of speech or the protected right of Americans to say what they think and want to say whether it offends or not, is the most basic of freedoms and without it no American is free whether he is a MAGA Republican or a totally sold out Joe Biden/Kamala Harris Democrat.
Zuckerberg’s letter admitted and outlined how Facebook colluded with officials from the federal government including White House representatives to silence content contradicting the establishment consensus regarding COVID and Hunter Biden’s laptop. Quote from Mark Zuckerberg:
“In 2021, senior officials from the Biden administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree. Ultimately, it was our decision whether or not to take content down, and we own our decisions, including COVID-19 related changes we made to our enforceme...
The Harris Plan to “Fix” the Economy
Darrell Castle talks about the announced plan of Kamala Harris to "fix" the American economy along with a discussion of that most undemocratic of institutions, the Democrat Party.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 23rd day of August in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the announced plan of Kamala Harris to “fix” the American economy along with a discussion of that most undemocratic of institutions, the Democrat Party.
Why do I refer to the Democrat Party as undemocratic. There are many reasons but primarily that Party seems to regard the will of the people as nothing but a nuisance to keep the ruling elite of the Party from having their way. For example, Hillary Clinton received more primary delegates than Barack Obama but he was nominated because he had more “super delegates.” The current nominees, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz received no delegate votes at all, not a single vote but they have the nomination and not Joe Biden who received 14 million primary votes.
Far a perfect explanation of American politics, and the entire election process I turn to the incomparable H.L. Mencken:
“The state—or, to make matters more concrete, the government—consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can’t get, and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time it is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is a sort of advanced auction on stolen goods.”
I search in vain for a finer explanation of the American political system and American politicians than Mencken’s, but what of Kamala Harris and her solutions to our troubles. I will focus my attention right here at home for now because we have so many issues and despite the dangerous climb up the escalation ladder abroad, I look inward for today. Home where our families live and home where we struggle to feed them in spite of various government decisions which try to keep us from doing so. Inflation is obviously a problem right now and Kamala Harris wants us to know that she is aware of it and intends to fix it. Her solutions are even more interesting since she is now vice president and has been in that office while inflation was embedding itself in the economy.
The consumer price index has charts available that tell us what inflation is and how it affects our daily lives and our ability to maintain our standard of living. When we notice, little by little, that our living standard is slipping away the information from the consumer price index tells us at least partially, why that is true. For example, a U.S. dollar from 1971 is equivalent to $7.77 in 2024 an increase of 677%. So, the real value, or purchasing value of a dollar decreases over time. Does your income increase correspondingly because if not then your standard of living is declining. In some areas of the country, Ms. Harris’s California for example, the change has been even more pronounced. Politicians such as Kamala Harris will try just about anything to solve the problem of inflation except the only solution that will actually work. The only solution is cut public spending drastically or raise taxes drastically or both but those things will not buy very many votes.
The great economist Milton Friedman famously put it like this, in his dictum, “inflation is always and everywhere a monetary problem.” In other words, if you’ve got inflation as we have today, you are printing too much money. Who wants to live within their means in this day and age of empire and entitlement. We want to run the world and we want to stay in pow...